Here are a few ideas to consider for spring break...
1. Go camping at Land Between the Lakes. The campground and its nature center are offering daily planetarium shows, a fun outdoor scavenger hunt, and practical life skills like wool washing. If you need to know how to wash your sheep, now is the time! :) If you go camping at Land Between the Lakes, you might just see my family roaming the campground.
2. Visit Mammoth Caves.
3. Visit the downtown Lexington Explorium at a discount! Only a few of these discounts left, so buy yours now!
4. Take your child to a 1950's sock hop at Central Library in downtown Lexington. Dance, dance, dance, and then enjoy a craft!
5. Take a day trip to an indoor water park in Cincinnati... at a discount! (Can you tell that I LOVE discounts?!?!)
6. Want to stay a little closer to home? Visit some alpacas on Thursday evening at the Living Arts & Science Center.
7. Find a place to worship this Sunday for Easter. He is RISEN! He is RISEN INDEED!
8. Hunt for eggs and for the Easter bunny.
9. Watch a basketball game and catch up on a little sports radio. Maybe spend some time watching a dunk fest. Am I giving away my basketball loyalties?
10. Visit a local landmark or take a tour with this comprehensive list from Our Westward Journey.
If none of these ideas pique your interest, maybe you should consider just staying home for spring break. Wake up late. Let the kids play outside. Clean the basement. Wash your hair. Go for a walk. Read a book. DO NOTHING for 10 minutes. Relax. Remember that busy does not necessarily equal happy. Rest a bit, my friends. After all, it IS spring break. :)