Educational Freebies and extras
Want to learn how to get into Shaker Village at a discounted rate? How about earning FREE pizza for the year? Check out those great deals and more...
**NEW LISTINGS** are denoted by asterisks
Barnes and Noble Educator's Discount Classroom teachers (including homeschoolers) of grades Pre K-12 are eligible to receive a discount at Barnes & Noble retail stores on purchases of most hardcover and paperback books for classroom use. This discount is not available for purchases made online. Barnes & Noble Summer Reading Program--Earn a free book!
To apply for the discount, please visit a Barnes & Noble retail store. Please bring a valid form of identification that indicates that you are currently teaching in a Pre K-12 classroom.
Cincinnati Zoo Penquin Days--Half price admission into the Cincinnati Zoo through March 10th.
Cincinnati Reds deals
Disney at a Discount Join the Carolina Homeschoolers for multiple days of fun at Disney, for a deeply discounted price is a great web site for free activities, games, and articles about education.
Educents--Educents is a website featuring daily deals for curriculum.
Free Homeschool Deals-- another great web site for homeschool helps
Free Homeschool Unit Studies
Half-Price Books Educator's Discount Half Price Books offers a 10% discount to educators, including homeschoolers. Just take in your homeschool ID card or Letter of Intent and fill out a form when you are ready to make your next purchase.
Joseph-Beth Booksellers Golden Apple Discount Joseph Beth offers a 20% teacher discount on any book that is being used in the classroom. You must go into the store to sign up.
Newport Aquarium Winter Family Days-- Buy an adult ticket and get a child's ticket FREE, valid through February 26th
Pizza Hut Book It Program Kids in K-6th grade can get FREE PIZZA just for reading! Parents or teachers can sign up in the summer and use the coupons throughout the school year!
Shaker Village Homeschool Days--Workshops and reduced prices every second Tuesday of the month
Six Flags Read to Succeed- Earn a free ticket to Six Flags for recreational reading. Deadline to enter is March 1st. Free educational video library