Raven Run Stargazing
The Bluegrass Amateur Astronomy Club will hold public stargazing programs at at Raven Run Nature Sanctuary once a month during March-November 2016. Programs will take place on the following Saturdays:
Saturday, September 3rd at 8:30 PM
Saturday, October 1st at 7:00 PM,
Saturday, October 29 at 7:00 PM
Meetings begin around sunset and last two to three hours. There is no rain date. The main gate at Raven Run is open for parking and park personnel there will direct you to the observing field.
Persons with telescopes can drive up a dirt road by the barn (turn off just before the main gate) and park at the edge of the observing field.
If the weather is partly cloudy, phone the park around 6:30 p.m. (859-272-6105) to see whether it's a go. If you would like to check on weather and seeing conditions, you can also check the Raven Run Clear Sky Clock.
The last public stargazing event for 2016 at Raven Run will take place on Saturday, October 29th.
The Bluegrass Amateur Astronomy Club will hold public stargazing programs at at Raven Run Nature Sanctuary once a month during March-November 2016. Programs will take place on the following Saturdays:
Saturday, September 3rd at 8:30 PM
Saturday, October 1st at 7:00 PM,
Saturday, October 29 at 7:00 PM
Meetings begin around sunset and last two to three hours. There is no rain date. The main gate at Raven Run is open for parking and park personnel there will direct you to the observing field.
Persons with telescopes can drive up a dirt road by the barn (turn off just before the main gate) and park at the edge of the observing field.
If the weather is partly cloudy, phone the park around 6:30 p.m. (859-272-6105) to see whether it's a go. If you would like to check on weather and seeing conditions, you can also check the Raven Run Clear Sky Clock.
The last public stargazing event for 2016 at Raven Run will take place on Saturday, October 29th.