HoneyB.E.E. Sponsor $375
- One year “Premium Listing” upgrade on the Bluegrass Education website (April 2018-April 2019). Premium listings include up to 300 words and a picture of your business or school on all of our applicable lists.
- Identification in Bluegrass Education Expo Guide to be handed out at the event
- Identification on the exhibitor list on the Bluegrass Education Expo website
- Exhibition Booth at the Bluegrass Education Expo, available both days. Includes: 5’ table with a skirt, 2 chairs, standard booth ID sign
- Opportunity to submit 1 piece of content biannually to Bluegrass Education (Website / Blog / or Facebook page) --total of 2 pieces of content
- Minimum of 1 mention on the Bluegrass Education Expo Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter feed biannually. Total of 2